Sustainability in Plumbing, Building and Construction

When it comes to the plumbing, building and construction business, sustainability means a lot. It means ensuring that the resources utilized are used in an efficient manner for the construction projects. It means factoring in the environmental impacts that are as a result of the how we source materials as well as the processes used to do the job.

Simply put, it means not just looking at the benefit and the bottom line to the business, but giving it a wider view in terms of impact on the community, environment and the universe. Sustainability means considering the end results and asking ourselves what that end result would be. Hence, when it comes to sustainability in plumbing, building, and construction, we need to first think about the community.

For instance, if a construction is done using a given method that is known to generate a lot of waste that is toxic, that waste will need to be disposed off somewhere. That means that wherever the toxic waste will be disposed of, it will affect the community there. If this is known, then it’s important that the construction method used acknowledges that and finds ways of remedying the situation.

Besides the community, we also have to think about the environment in matters of sustainability. If the methods or processes used to result in a lot of waste or the use of huge amounts of non-renewable energy sources, then the environment will suffer. But in order for us to conserve and preserve the environment, opting for methodologies that promote that such as using renewable energy sources or going green, can prevent damage to the environment.

Role of Key Stakeholders

Any one individual in an organization or in government that influences construction or building in any way is a key stakeholder, and they have a role to play. One key stakeholder, for instance, are construction companies. For most, it’s always about the profit margin going up but not really about what can be done to minimize the effects to the community, the environment and the world at large.

However, construction companies can benefit a lot by investing in the use of sustainable technologies. The 1944 inception of LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – which is supposed to see to it that the building codes being used will ensure a building is both functional today as well as sustainable in the future. This means using materials that are energy efficient and sustainable.

By using the latest sustainable materials and technologies, companies can get back those costs thanks to the use of more energy efficient products that will reduce the building operation costs. The government also has a role to play when it comes to regulation. They can use an incentive scheme such as tax exemptions on companies that use eco-friendly materials as well as celebrate companies that use sustainable methodologies to build.

In addition, the government can also come up with laws that require companies to build and use materials that are more sustainable which means that it will be mandatory for construction companies to use eco-friendly materials.  From Federal regulations to local building codes, government legislation does a lot to steer the use of various materials and methods in plumbing, building and construction. For sustainability in these areas to be achieved, it is important that all the key stakeholders get involved and forge a way forward that will be beneficial to not just the community and environment, but to the global universe as well.

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